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Death Journal #2- Wizarding Class

Dear Journal,

Entry #dos. I must revise my earlier assumptions – I thought I had gone back in time; possibly to the 1980s, but I was wrong. Instead, I have traveled to an inter-dimensional world. I discovered this when I ended up in wizarding class. At least, I think that’s what it was – I mean, we learned phrases in a foreign language like “c’est la vie” and pointed with long chopsticks that looked suspiciously like wands. All of this took place in what I had supposed was Landrum, but maybe if I had looked at the sign that day it would have said something else… a word of caution: apparently rumors have already been spread that it was a merely a “conducting” class, and a “French” class, scheduled in the same room. The word is that it was simply a scheduling “conflict” and that the students are conducting French (though not conducting in French). Suspicious? I think so. I know what I saw. This makes me question other suspicious activities I’ve seen, such as people disappearing on the path behind Landrum, supposedly going to the “security office”. Are they secretly in charge of this whole scenario? Must explore further.

The Student

Vintage Compass

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