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TIL-  Today I Learned
Living The Life
This Week

It's when the press is attacked that it becomes the most powerful.

"If Your Mother Tells You She Loves You, Check it Out." 

Just as journalists have a duty to verify the information they publish, readers hold a duty regarding the information they receive.

Toni Locy, an award winning journalist known for her passion in standing up for first ammendment rights gives 

5 Questions to ask yourself before you believe the article you just read on the internet. 

Check it out in "The Blog".

NEW Blog Series- The Death Journals

The Beginning of the End:

Without Death, Life Has No Meaning.

The 100% true story of the life of an SVU student.  Compiled by The Student and discovered by

some random Doctor.

Check out the Interiew with Singer/ Songwriter/ Master of Sudoku -

Mimi Knowles on "The Blog"


Listen to the unedited podcast here

for details on Mimi’s pre-show routine, his opinions on Harry Potter, Pluto’s status as a planet, Italian missionaries and ties, Mimi’s secret talents, and so much more! At the end, Mimi writes us a rap!


  • SoundCloud Black Square

Enjoy past posts here:

 and keep coming back to this site for more! 

McMullin Rally Subverts Expectations 

" Our basic rights are God- given.  Every American is created equal and has the same right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  The fundamental purpose of government is to secure, not define, these rights for every member of our diverse society."  - Evan McMullin

 © 2014-2015 by The Accolade News.

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