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What do Fireflies, Applied Mathematics, OK GO’s New Music Video, and Humanity Have in Common?

OK GO just released a new music video which has astounded many. What is so special about this video? Why do we find this so amazing?

Our eyes are presented with beautiful patterns and images. Such patterns occur commonly in nature. There is something especially awe-inspiring about watching living organisms synchronize, birds or fish moving so seamlessly together. One of my favorite examples is when fireflies synchronize their “blinking”.

Humans are usually set apart from animals for the variety and independence found in the individual. Other than traffic jams, It is rare to find a group of people so in tune with each other that they become the beautiful, unified story told in this video.

The words “I won’t let you down” allude to the responsibility of every individual in creating this visual. Just one “off-beat” person could be so glaringly obvious and mar the entire effect.

The micro to macro progression also makes a statement. We start off by seeing a band, a group of people that know how to work together, move in unison. They are then added to by a larger group of people, performing a different function, but moving within their own sphere to interact with the larger “world”. The interactive version of this video takes it one step further and allows the viewer to become a part of this experience.

Just as we have a small group of people with whom we interact, perhaps we should remember that humanity must all share the same space. We are part of a bigger whole. Our actions impact more than ourselves or our immediate sphere. Perhaps some of the disorder and chaos which is so prevalent in this world can be replaced with harmony and commonality.

This video is a reminder that we are capable of working together, united in a purpose, and what a beautiful thing that can be.


Learn more about synchronization:

and just for fun, an OK GO classic:

-Christina Allan

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